Caeserea in the New Testament
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Charlie Trimm
Bible Geography
In a previous post we looked briefly at the history of Caeserea, and now we turn to what happened there in the New Testament. One of the key events in Acts is the conversion of Cornelius in Acts 10. Peter was staying in Joppa (modern day Tel Aviv), a short drive down the road from Caeserea, when Cornelius calls him up to Caeserea. The difference between the two cities could not be greater: Joppa was very Jewish, while Caeserea was the epitome of Gentileness at the time.But as you know, Peter went and things have not been the same since!
Caeserea was the center of government for the Romans in Israel. A palace has been discovered which is thought to be the palace of Herod. This is his swimming pool, followed by a picture of the reconstruction.

This is the rest of the palace. The swimming pool is to the left.

The major attraction today and in ancient times was the theater. This is the view from the theater today toward the Sea. In acient times, however, the view was not present, as seen by the reconstruction. The theater has been reconstructed, with only the first row or two of seats being original. Concerts are routinely held here today. The acoustics are excellent in the theater as well. Whisphers on stage can be heard in every seat.

Pilate also had residance here at Caeserea. This stone (it is a replica: the original is in the Israel Museum) shows Pilate's name.

Finally, Paul spent a good chunk of time at Ceaserea. This spot is probably the very spot where he stood on trial, since this was the place where trials were held.

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